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  • Catelyn Huckstep

3 Tips for Writing a Great Newsletter

Being a teacher means that you are constantly communicating with the families you are working with. You could be an online teacher, a public school teacher or a private music teacher. There is so much value in connecting with those you are working with and sending a weekly newsletter is beneficial to keep everyone in the loop. Here are 3 tips of some cool items to add to your weekly newsletter.

Student Accomplishments

In my newsletter, I have a box regarding the cool things students are doing. Some examples for my students is: earning a great score at WSMA, earning a part in a musical or play or when a student earns a solo in their choir. Students love the recognition and are excited to see that their accomplishment is shared with their peers. 

Upcoming Events

In my studio newsletter, I have two different calendars: a studio at a glance and a student calendar. The studio at a glance contains all the events that I am hosting like recitals. The student calendar lists events that students are a part of. This calendar consists of performances, concerts, plays and musicals they are in. It is a great way to keep families updated on what is going on! 

Fun Things to Consider

At the end of my newsletter, I have a section called “Fun Things to Consider.” In this section, I share cool things happening the community that might peak the interest of students and their families. As of right now, I am sharing different summer camps for students, but other things that could be added are events in the area, live music performances, and anything that might strike the interest of your students! 

What do you put in your newsletter? Share in the comments below! 

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